Cataracts, Custom Lens Replacement (CLR), Lens Replacement, Vivity Lens

At Vision For Life, we’re dedicated to providing our patients with top-notch, individualized care. Beyond our ophthalmology expertise and commitment to high-quality customer service, Dr. Horn is a leader in the study and implementation of the latest advancements in ophthalmology. Vision for Life is excited to announce the latest in lens replacement technology, the Alcon Vivity Lens, the only presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens with X-WAVE technology. This will give Dr. Horn yet another tool to tailor a custom plan for his cataract patients and their individual lifestyles.  

What is the Vivity Lens, and what makes it special? This intraocular lens (or IOL) can be used to replace a patient’s natural lens that has been affected by cataracts. The Vivity Lens, compared to a monofocal lens, provides an extended range of vision from distance through intermediate, into a functional near vision without increasing the incidence of visual disturbances.

In a 2019 clinical trial preformed by Alcon, they found the Vivity lens provides a very good quality of vision at distance and intermediate ranges in bright and dim light. Without glasses, 94 percent of patients reported good or very good vision at distance, and 92 percent reported good or very good vision at arm’s length. Additionally, patients using Vivity reported such low levels of starbursts, halos and glares that Vivity’s visual disturbance profile is comparable to a monofocal lens. Another tangible benefit of the Vivity Lens is the X-WAVE technology even protects your eyes from the sun’s UV rays and damaging blue light from digital devices.

Read below what Dr. Horn has to say about this newest advancement in lens replacement:

“This new lens gives us one more amazing option when customizing exactly the right implant to provide our patients. Every single patient has different needs in order to obtain their best vision and the Alcon Vivity lens allows for the highest quality vision imaginable. Our patients are more active than they have ever been and would love to have independence from glasses. Imagine a world where you can drive at night without glare, look across the room and see your phone, your iPad, or computer, all without the need for glasses or contacts. This is going to be a great option for my patients to obtain their best vision for life.” – Dr. Jeffrey Horn

Call us today at (615)588-2020 to learn if you’re a good candidate for the Vivity Lens!