
Cataracts are a common eye condition often synonymous with aging. Cataracts are simplistically defined as the clouding of the natural lens in the eye, which lies behind the iris and the pupil. This is primarily due to protein build-up, leading to a reduction in the clarity of vision. 

They can occur in either or both eyes but cannot spread from one eye to another. This condition is so prevalent that it is estimated that over half of all Americans will have developed cataracts by the age of 80.

If you can’t visit Vision for Life to check for cataracts, here’s how to do a cataract self-test.

The Impact of Cataracts on Vision

Now that we understand cataracts let’s explore how they affect vision. Many wonder what happens when you have cataracts and their implications for everyday life. When a cataract initially forms, its impact might be minimal, with no noticeable symptoms. However, over time, it will grow, making it difficult for light to pass directly through the lens. Consequently, individuals with cataracts experience blurred vision as their primary symptom.

Other vital symptoms include increased sensitivity towards glare and light, frequent changes in eyeglass prescription, double vision in a single eye, and faded or yellowed colors. These changes tend to progress slowly and gradually, so early diagnosis through regular eye examinations is critical for management and treatment planning.

What Happens When You Have Cataracts?

The advanced development stages of cataracts can significantly interfere with daily routines. Tasks like reading, driving (especially at night), or recognizing faces become more challenging because everything appears blurry or hazy due to impaired vision. Patients with mature cataracts can develop an annoying glare that reduces their contrast sensitivity, making some activities challenging even during broad daylight.

Additionally, the perception of color is affected by the yellowing or browning of the lens, which distorts the interpretation of blues and purples. In rare instances, cataracts may cause a severe glaucoma, commonly presenting as a painful, red eye.

Understanding cataracts and recognizing their symptoms is crucial for timely treatment and maintaining good eye health. Regular eye check-ups are essential, especially for individuals over the age of 60 or those with a family history of cataracts. Modern medicine has made tremendous strides in ophthalmology, making cataract treatment highly successful and often restoring vision significantly. 

If you are concerned about cataracts or wish to start a cataract correction procedure, schedule your consultation with Vision for Life today.