
The PanOptix trifocal lens is revolutionizing the world of lens replacement surgery for patients with cataracts. Currently, it is the only FDA-approved trifocal lens that corrects all vision ranges. This advanced lens technology allows patients to regain their visual freedom and enjoy high-quality vision without needing glasses or contacts.

Dr. Horn was one of twelve surgeons selected nationwide for the FDA clinical trials of this groundbreaking trifocal lens. Notably, he was the sole surgeon from Tennessee to be chosen for this trial, and he was the first surgeon in the state to implant the PanOptix lens.

“This is an extremely exciting advancement in the treatment of cataract surgery,” Dr. Horn commented.

How the PanOptix Works

Unlike traditional monofocal lenses, the PanOptix trifocal lens incorporates diffractive technology that splits light into multiple focal points. This technology allows for a smooth vision transition between near, intermediate, and far distances. 

This means that patients can see objects up close, like reading a book or using a smartphone; they can see at arm’s length, such as computer screens or cooking; and they can also see objects in the distance with improved clarity, like road signs or landscapes. 

The PanOptix intraocular lens also provides enhanced depth perception, which can be particularly beneficial for activities like driving or playing sports.

Watch this 30-minute PanOptix video to gain a deep understanding and behind-the-scenes look at the PanOptix lens. This video follows Dr. Horn and a PanOptix patient, from pre-op, in the operating room, through the post-op exam. 

FDA-Approved Lens

The FDA approval of PanOptix was based on a pivotal study at 12 investigational sites in the

U.S., including Vision For Life here in Nashville, being led by Dr. Horn.

PanOptix patients demonstrated exceptional, uninterrupted vision with this single trifocal lens design. The results also showed high patient satisfaction, with over 99% of PanOptix patients saying they would choose the same lens again. Dr. Horn said, “The results of the trial are incredible.”

If you are curious about getting the PanOptix lens, contact Vision for Life.

Read the official press release here.