Dry Eye, EVO ICL

Worldwide, approximately 2.2 billion people have a vision impairment. And the leading cause — globally — is refractive vision errors, says the World Health Organization

Refractive surgeries, such as LASIK and PRK, have gained immense popularity for their ability to correct vision-related issues. These procedures involve reshaping the cornea to provide enhanced eyesight.

While LASIK and PRK have high success rates and patient satisfaction, another equally powerful option exists for the 20 million Americans with vision challenges and dry eye. 

Understanding Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome occurs when there is a lack of tears or poor tear quality, leading to insufficient lubrication. This condition can cause many uncomfortable symptoms, including stinging or burning sensations, redness, light sensitivity, and a feeling of grittiness in the eyes. 

Dry eye not only hinders daily activities but also increases the risk of infections, corneal abrasions, and other serious eye conditions.

EVO ICL Is a Great Vision Correction Solution

The EVO ICL Lens (Implantable Collamer Lens) is suitable for those with dry eyes or who are not eligible for LASIK and other similar surgeries.

The EVO ICL involves the implantation of an artificial lens in the eye to correct common refractive errors such as nearsightedness and astigmatism. Made from a biocompatible Collamer material that works harmoniously with the body’s natural chemistry, the EVO ICL does not worsen or cause dry eye syndrome.

Many patients experience immediate improvements in vision after the approximately 20-30 minute EVO ICL procedure. In fact, a survey revealed that 99.4% of EVO ICL patients reported satisfaction and stated that they would undergo the procedure again if given the chance. 

Another advantage of the EVO ICL is that it can be easily removed by a doctor, making it a flexible option if changes in the patient’s prescription or additional vision needs arise.

Experience the EVO ICL for Yourself

Our practice prioritizes your eye health and aims to provide the most effective and personalized solutions for your vision correction needs. If you have concerns about dry eye or have previously experienced dry eye symptoms, the EVO ICL may offer a suitable alternative. Contact us today to take the first step toward achieving your best possible vision.