If you’re dealing with dry eye, you’re certainly not alone. Around 30 million Americans currently suffer from dry eye, making it one of the world’s most common eye diseases. With symptoms that include tired eyes, redness, irritation, burning, or watery eyes, dry eye can significantly impact your quality of life. Fortunately, iLux treatment is a simple, fast, non-surgical treatment for dry eye.
What’s so great about iLux? Beyond alleviating the symptoms of dry eye, iLux addresses the core issue: Meiboman Gland Dysfunction (MGD). When your meiboman glands are blocked, it can erode the lipid layer in the tear film in your eye that serves as a natural protective barrier. If left untreated, your meiboman glands can die altogether, making your dry eye irreversible. By using heat and compression therapy, this treatment restores functionality to your meioboman glands by melting the thickened lipids. Think about it as a warm massage for your eyes!
The iLux treatment is a simple process that doesn’t involve pain or significant aftercare on your part—it’s a non-surgical remedy that can be quickly administered during an office visit. The entire process takes about eight minutes, and most patients report feeling no pain, just a bit of pressure. On average, the treatment is repeated one to two times per year to ensure your symptoms are well-managed.