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Cataracts Myths
and Misconceptions

Cataracts Myths
and Misconceptions

Cataracts rank among the primary causes of vision loss in adults. Those afflicted with cataracts experience symptoms such as; cloudy vision, trouble seeing at night, and halos around lights. This gradual impairment can progressively hinder daily activities, including reading and driving.

Cataracts, while very common, especially in those over age 60, are one of the more misunderstood conditions in medicine. Many myths surround how cataracts form, what causes them, how they develop, and how they are removed. Dr. Horn addresses some common misconceptions with cataracts and the lens replacement procedure in the following video.

You can also learn more about common Cataract myths and misconceptions by reading our blog titled, "Debunking 4 Common Cataract Myths" by following the link below.

If you have more questions or concerns, schedule a cataract consultation today!

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